How to Run a WhatsApp Poll – ChatPoll

Why Running Polls

Running surveys is an essential method in marketing small/medium businesses since it can help you know your client better, understand who`s using your products and why, what could be improved, if your client is satisfied with your service, etc. Plus, if you find an adequate way of running those polls, the outcome can provide important marketing data without using up your budget.

The high-tech era of analytics erased many traditional data collecting methods, the companies are addressing digital surveys, specifically massive online polls to reach more users without struggle and get faster answers to their research. At this point, since WhatsApp is gaining more and more important in the business world thanks to its sales&marketing enhancing features and its worldwide popularity, creating a poll in WhatsApp seems to be a wise action for the companies that want to get customer feedback, measure employee satisfaction, brand awareness or loyalty, etc. in a few minutes.

💡Check out our article about how to run a marketing analysis using ChatPoll.

Advantages of surveys:

  • conducted remotely reduce geographical dependence (worldwide recipients)
  • takes less time than other data collection methods
  • easy to administer
  • extremely cost-effective
  • possibility of asking numerous questions provides extensive flexibility in data analysis

“Chat Poll” for Polls in WhatsApp

Currently, WhatsApp itself is not offering a poll option to its users. You can send survey questions to your contact groups but the result-gathering process would be tedious since it’s fully manual.

As ChatWith, departing from this point of view, we want the professionals to be able to carry out surveys on WhatsApp as its the trending platform of digital marketing and offers an easy data collecting method. We are launching our new free tool ChatPoll for creating and sending polls on WhatsApp.

The tool is user-friendly and leads you to step by step through the creation and submission of the poll. It works very easy;

  • Prepare your survey questions and possible choices on ChatPoll. After introducing your question, you should offer at least two options as answer, and you can add more options clicking on + icon. You can also determine the duration of your poll in days, hours and minutes.

  • Send the survey to your distribution lists or WhatsApp groups in a few seconds. There are two ways of sharing the poll; you can either share the link of the poll or directly send the question and answers as a WhatsApp message.

whatsapp poll share options

The participants would vote directly on WhatsApp message by clicking on the link of their answer. You would get a much higher answer rate on whatsapp than any other traditional survey method or email surveying.

  • Once the users vote, they would see the result screen and the poll’s expiring date as well.

whatsapp poll results

Create your own poll now and get fast results to create a meaningful outcome for your further marketing & sales actions. Contact us if you have questions or comments!

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