WhatsApp Widget for Google Sites

You need to create an account with us to create your Widget. Go to Tochat.be to create your account.

New way to add your Widget to Google Sites:

<script  data-widget-embed-google="data-widget-embed-google"  defer src="https://widget.tochat.be/bundle.js?key=6fd735c9-1763-4c1b-b3c5-70771efb5e42"></script>
<div id="data-widget-embed-google"></div>

Amazing and beautiful Google Site in Singapore


If you use Google Sites to create your website you can add a WhatsApp button to your site.

💡Read the comment from Google Support about our tool – how to add Whatsapp to your Google Site.

In a few easy steps you can add WhatsApp to your Google Site;

  1. Create your WhatsApp link with our free tool
  2. Insert your WhatsApp link in the code that we give you
  3. Add the code to your web page
🛎️You can also read this article in Spanish and Turkish

Google sites widgets

You can use our WhatsApp button to add WhatsApp to your google site. In this article we explain step by step how to create your button and how to link to WhatsApp.

To add WhatsApp to your Google Site, you should start with creating your WhatsApp link. It’s pretty fast, introduce your phone number at this tool: WhatsApp Link Creator. Don’t forget to add your country code to your phone number, otherwise the link wouldn’t work!

add your number to WhatsApp link


Here we share with you the code that you will use to add WhatsApp to your Google Site:

<a href="HERE YOUR LINK" style="display: table; font-family: sans-serif; text-decoration: none; margin: 1em auto; color: #fff; font-size: 0.9em; padding: 1em 2em 1em 3.5em; border-radius: 2em; font-weight: bold; background: #25d366 url('https://tochat.be/click-to-chat-directory/css/whatsapp.svg') no-repeat 1.5em center; background-size: 1.6em;">HERE YOUR TEXT BUTTON</a>

>Instead of “HERE YOUR LINK”, you should insert your WhatsApp link created in step 1.

>”HERE YOUR TEXT BUTTON” is where you should write the text that you want to appear on your WhatsApp button.

>Once you complete the code, copy it.

Google Sites WhatsApp Button with divs

For better control and design you can use this version with Divs:

<div style="float: left; width: 100%; display: table; clear: both; position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 1px;">
<p><a style="font-family: sans-serif; text-decoration: none; margin: 1em auto; color: #fff; font-size: 1em; padding: 1em 1em 0.5em 3.5em; border-radius: 2em; font-weight: bold; background: #25d366 url('https://tochat.be/click-to-chat-directory/css/whatsapp.svg') no-repeat 1.5em center; background-size: 1.6em;" href="https://chatwith.io/s/5ef6db4b99179">WhatsApp about AsiaShip consultancy</a></p>

3- Add the Code to Your Google Sites Page

After creating your WhatsApp link and inserting it to the code we gave you, the last step is to add this code in your web and publish your button.

>Go to Google Sites and click on “Embed” under the ‘Insert’ menu

>Choose “Embed code”

>Paste your code created in step 2

Click on “Next” and it’s done! Now you have your WhatsApp button in your web page. Through this button the visitors of your page can start a direct WhatsApp conversation with you, with just a click!

Also you can check the statistics of your link whenever you want on your chatwith.io account.

If you want to learn more about WhatsApp link, button and widget, visit our Youtube channel > Youtube/  Click to Chat – Link to WhatsApp where we share detailed tutorials.

Google Sites using WhatsApp Widget

Link to WhatsApp Google Sites – Demo Site

This website made with Google Sites is helping entrepreneurs to create their own business. They use our WhatsApp Widget to create a communication channel with their customers.

View this Google site with a WhatsApp link


YouTube Tutorial

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