How to use Instagram Messages as a Pro 🏆 – Tricks

If you have a really active channel with Instagram and you have more than 10 – 20 messages per day, you should consider using an application to manage your messages and be able to track and assign messages to the proper agent. How to have multiple agents working on your Instagram Channel Instagram is a … Read more

How to manage multiple agents with WhatsApp

This is a question from one of our users: Also is it possible to group chat users into a single department so that when customer goes to suppose sales department then depending upon the strategy set for the chat be it sequential or random, chats will land on the agents equally, and the customer doesn’t … Read more

Ideas to improve WhatsApp Widget Multiple Agents feature

A user has sent these ideas to improve WhatsApp Widget: Present multiple agents in RANDOM order. WhatsApp Widget has a unique feature to add multiple agents to your Widget. The idea is to present the users in a random order. Right now the order you define in the control panel is the order we use … Read more