This is a question from one of our users:
Also is it possible to group chat users into a single department so that when customer goes to suppose sales department then depending upon the strategy set for the chat be it sequential or random, chats will land on the agents equally, and the customer doesn’t have option to select agent from his end but can select department instead of it.
We offer two solutions to manage multiple agents
With you can add multiple agents to your WhatsApp Channel. The Agents will be feature in your Widget as a list. In this website you can see an example. The list of agents will be accesible to all your users. This is a very good option if you want to display a list of agents and let the user decide who to talk to.
This is an exclusive WordPress / SquareSpace / Wix / PHP / Drupal / Google Sites WhatsApp Widget that manages agents in a different way. You can create a list in the back office and the user will be redirect to one of the agents in the list. This is a better solution if you have a pool of agents you want to feed with users´request. The user will see one WhatsApp button and the widget will manage the list of agents in the back end.
So you can decide.
- If you want to present agents as a list, use WhatsApp Widget will always present the list of available agents to the users visiting your site. Your user will select who is the agent he/she wants to talk to.
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