Options for Design WhatsApp Widget

🧨 Before you start reading this article, check the relevant WhatsApp Widget video on YouTube

So Now(!)

Let’s review all the options you have to design and customise your WhatsApp Widget…

  • Color: Choose any color you want to use with your widget. Match de design of the widget to your brand.
  • Position widget to the right of screen: You can use right or left.
  • Widget is active: You can turn off the widget. You keep all the settings but you can hide it in your website or landing page.
  • Show widget opened on page load: The widget will be open with your agents displayed. This is more “intrusive” but is good to get more leads.
  • Turn off cookies: Just in case you want to keep your privacy policy clean.
  • Only show active agents: This is good to avoid showing “offline” agents.
  • Show one random agents: If you have a ton of agents, you can just present one random agent to each website visitor.
  • Hide widget if no one is online: You can define a timetable for each agent. If everyone is offline, the widget will be hidden.
  • Open the first available agent with a form: This is a shortcut to make the widget more useful. The widget will be open with a form ready to use.
  • Show the widget only once per session: This makes the widget less intrusive. Just once. The rest of the session the widget will be close. Cookies must be enabled for this option to function.
  • Add a banner: Just the banner is a great feature to become premium 

🀄🔅 Choose your free logos for your Widget , download them for FREE

Other design 🌅 options

With our new tab for design, you can create your own custom WhatsApp Widget.

  1. Device (mobile / desktop): Where do you want the widget to be displayed
  2. Z index: If you have many layers you can change the order.
  3. Rounding: Modify the aspect of the widget.
  4. Button rounding: The same, but just for the button.
  5. Widget delay: You can show the widget after a few seconds.
  6. X axis: Move the widget a bit.
  7. Y axis: Move the widget a bit.
  8. Animation: Choose the style.
  9. No header: Cut the head off 
  10. Show counter: You can add a nice little icon to make your widget more “clickable”
  11. Set landing page… The final touch. Make your landing page amazing.

Landing page

  • Legend: Text about your business
  • Background Image: Upload a nice background image
  • *** Max. 2MB – jpg, png or gif ***
  • Theme: We offer black / white and default theme.

Free background images for your landing page with WhatsApp

These options enable you to create the best widget for your website. If you use Joomla, Prestashop, Drupal, or just custom PHP you can add the best WhatsApp Widget for your website.

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