In this post, we will explain step by step how to configure your WhatsApp Widget.
– Basic information for your Widget –
What is a Widget?
In a short sentence, the widget is an application, or a component of an interface, that enables a user to perform a function or access a service. As it is known, it first appeared in the early 1930s with the term gadget, and by evolution, it has been called a widget, because it performs unusual functions, additional procedures, and techniques since its implementation.
WhatsApp Widget 💥
is a green bubble with the WhatsApp brand icon. Install your WhatsApp Widget and it will appear by default. That button allows you to chat with agents, clients, partners, etc.] Also, integrates, places recent conversations to the center for easy access, and starts chatting.
🛑 Watch the video about making your WhatsApp Widget here!
Step 1 – How to create a WhatsApp Widget?
All you have to do is log in to the website, create your personal account and follow the instructions below to create your WhatsApp Widget.
The process of creating an account on our page is completely free, so do not deviate from your desire to get your Widget.
Do you have an account? Create your FREE account at 🔥NOW🔥
After clicking on the Widgets icon (light-green WhatsApp cycle shape) on the toolbar of the webpage. You will find it next to “unlock your premium account!”
Insert to the free platform for creating your unique WhatsApp Widget and click on the plus-sign Add Widget, το create a new ONE! (Or your first ONE!)
~ Further Steps ~
Add a name, the purpose of your WhatsApp Widget creation. Οtherwise, you could add business information to connect with the correspondents or recipients you are going to reach.
Button message. Type the text, which will enter in your Widget. A small passage, to correspond to its existence and direct the user to start the conversation. The so-called summary call to action for the interlocutors.
Widget message. In this box, add your business details, inform your stakeholders about the status of your company. Give examples of what you do, who you are, and what your company does, so that the user is informed and influenced to click on your Widget. Example: <<Use our WhatsApp account for support and sales>>.
- Choose an icon. You can find it from our gallery collection and or upload an image about your business or your purpose to justify the creation of your little icon. And press Continue.
Choose an icon for Free
Choose a FREE Logo for your new Widget
Categories. Select your company’s field or the work type from the category list, like Agency/SEO/Design, Dating, E-commerce, etc.
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