1) after we setup a lead form, can we run some automations through your platform?

  • If you have WhatsApp API you can send templates to your leads. 
  • Using our tool you can send templates requesting google reviews
  • If you use bookings we automate the reminders and thank you note.

2) can we collect also emails?

  • Yes, in the form you can collect any field you want.

3) can an agent step in after the initial message and talk directly to the customer?

  • Yes, that is the main purpose of our tool. Customers will fill up a short form and then they will go to WhatsApp.

4) can the agent interact with the customer both through your software and his phone?

  • Yes, but you need WhatsApp API for that. Only makes sense for multi-agents environments.

5) can I keep track of all the communication of my agents even if the continue the conversation through their telephone whatsapp application?

  • You need WhatsApp API for that. By default we only collect lead information.

6) do you have a roadmap?

7) can I use it on multiple websites?

  • Unlimited

8) can I easily manage my clients numers and divide them into groups and categories?

  • Yes. The record so dar is 2800 clients manage under one account.

9) can I download separately the phone numbers databases based on different campaigns? 

  • Yes, you can download all the data from the application.

10) is this whitelabel right?

  • Yes.
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By Chatwith

We help small businesses using our WhatsApp tools to expand their businesses.