We have created a premium plugin for WooCommerce (WordPress) that allows you to generate WhatsApp notifications to your customers. This plugin avoids the activation process of the WhatsApp API, which we know is very complex and thus makes it easier to activate WhatsApp notifications from your WooComerce.

You can install the plugin directly here (WooCommerce Automated WhatsApp Order Status Notifications). This is a GitHub repository, if you are not clear about how to use this, please request access and we will help you.

Let’s see step by step how it works:

Request access to the plugin

Request access to the Plugin. It is a premium plugin and therefore you have to register to be able to use this plugin. The annual cost of the plugin is €100 with unlimited messages.

Request access to the plugin. We are in beta phase and we want to give access to some accounts that want to use this new system to improve their sales on WhatsApp. We will also ask for feedback and ideas to improve the plugin.

What happens when I install the plugin?

The first thing you will see is a screen where you can customize the basic message fields.

The first field is the name of your business. This field will appear in the templates so that customers know which business is writing to them.

  • The next field is the phone number where users can contact you. A contact button appears in all templates that will be personalized with your WhatsApp number. You must enter the number with the Country field and without the + sign.
  • The next field is the language of the templates. The templates are fixed and at the moment they are only in 1 language (but you can select English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish).
  • The logo that we will add to the templates.
  • Finally, we can select the templates that we are going to send. The templates are all configured with WooCommerce type events and you can activate the ones you want to use. The text in the templates cannot be changed.
    • The available templates are:
    • Pending payment
    • Processing
    • On hold
    • Completed
    • Canceled
    • Refunded
    • Failed

Once activated, your clients will begin to receive messages directly on WhatsApp. You don’t have to activate any API in WhatsApp. We have made this plugin to make the process of activating and sending messages via WhatsApp to your clients from your WooCommerce as easy as possible.

If you want to customize the templates, use your own API and have more control over the process, you have this plugin available.

Frequently asked questions about WhatsApp notifications in WoCommerce

Can I stop the plugin?

Right now there is no stop button. But you can deactivate the active templates and no message will be sent.

What purpose does this plugin have?

API verification is a complex process with a significant cost. This plugin allows you to test the WhatsApp API on your website and see if it helps you sell more. Email notifications are an option that in many cases do not work effectively, while a WhatsApp notification will help you optimally keep your clients connected.

If you are interested, Request access to the plugin.

What number sends the messages?

The number from which we send messages is +34910059158. This number is our number and allows us to make the activation process immediate for you. If you want to use your own number and your templates, we have this other plugin.

How does a client contact me?

In all templates we put a message that clearly indicates that the customer has a button at their disposal to communicate with the store to send a message. We will not serve customers who respond.

Can I change the templates?

No. These templates are fixed and already validated. If you want to use your own templates, you will need to activate your WhatsApp API.

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By Chatwith

We help small businesses using our WhatsApp tools to expand their businesses.