
Turkey is a country located just in the middle between Asia and Europe, having most of its territory in Asia and a small part in Europe where Istanbul is located. Its capital Ankara has a population of 5 million people and its airport is called Ankara Esenboga Airport. However, its biggest and most important city Istanbul, is home to 15 million people.

Most popular WhatsApp numbers in Turkey

WhatsApp Marketing Solutions for Turkish Market

Most businesses operating in various industries usually use Links that help them to connect everything with the WhatsApp chat application and to concentrate their properties in one usable engine.

WhatsApp Business in Turkey

This is an example of a Turkish e-Commerce using WhatsApp. This is their Landing page with a WhatsApp Widget Button to provide an excellent customer service and reply to their customers automatically via WhatsApp Chat.

If you want to have a landing page with a WhatsApp Widget Button like this, create your free landing page here.

Do you have an online business in Turkey? Do you want to grow your sales and revenue?

Tochat.be CRM WhatsApp Solutions is the tool you need:

Try it now and see the results yourself!

Top WhatsApp Businesses in Turkey

New WhatsApp Business. Import / Export B2B

WhatsApp Business Directory in Turkey

WhatsApp Link for Turkish Phone Number🇹🇷

If you want to create a link to WhatsApp for a phone in the Turkey you need to 90 to your phone number.

Here you can make your WhatsApp link, with a turkish country code 🇹🇷

Chatwith.io Turkey 🌐

If you need to create a link to your WhatsApp number you need to use your phone number without any special character.
Just your country code, and then your phone number.

  • Normally you will see your phone number like: +90 (835) 902-5723 – THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU DO.
  • For your link to WhatsApp you need to use: 908359025723 – THIS IS GOOD!!
WhatsApp Link generator

WhatsApp Link to share in your social media

You can share your WhatsApp Link everywhere to send users directly to your WhatsApp Chat! Share your WhatsApp Link in your favourite social media platforms: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Linktree, Twitter…

Example of link to WhatsApp for Turkey

Businesses in Turkey using WhatsApp:




Keep Turkey as your Country Code and remove every special character. Just use the numbers on your phone.

Once you have your number ready, go to our site and create your link to WhatsApp.

If you want to check all the country codes available for WhatsApp numbers please go to this page.

Or click on this list of EUROPEAN Country Codes available for WhatsApp numbers.

Turkey WhatsApp Penetration

In Turkey WhatsApp is the number 1 social network by use. Ahead of Instagram and Facebook. The penetration of WhatsApp in Turkey is 93%.

Most popular WhatsApp Businesses in Turkey

WhatsApp Polls in Turkey

Most popular WhatsApp Groups in Turkey

Popular WhatsApp Business in Turkey

Use WhatsApp to find great singles in your area


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By César Martín (ToChat.be)

We develop WhatsApp solutions, WhatsApp API and WhatsApp Widgets. Please contact us for more information. We are here to help you.