This is a beta version, but we want to help you send your form request to your WhatsApp. Of course you are going to keep all the leads from the form in your database, but you can add our link to WhatsApp to keep a notification every time you have a successful in your Jot Form.
What is Jot Form
JotForm is a great tool to generate forms and capture information from your users. So far the only option you have to get a notification is email. Email is good for backup but if you need to ensure your leads are getting a proper response and a fast attendance, you need to add WhatsApp.
Send the information from JotForm to your WhatsApp
Using our connector you can send your leads from JotForm to WhatsApp.
- This is very easy to setup. You need to have your form ready in your JotForm account.
- Publish your JotForm.
- With your API Key, create an account in our service and place your API in your account.
- The information from your JotForm will go to your WhatsApp Account.
Is that easy.
Please if you have questions, just send us an email.
How to send leads from JotForm to WhatsApp
This is how we have done the link from your JotForm to WhatsApp.
1. When you build form, you can see integration item in settings
This is the code we use to send the data to WhatsApp from JotForm
And you add request url there
2. Get Data from Jotform
You can see all data from jotform via this json:
$result = $_REQUEST[‘rawRequest’];
we can get detail data via this result Following is current form data from $_REQUEST[‘rawRequest’]
{ “slug”: “submit/203444433299357/”, “q9_name”: { “first”: “test”, “last”: “test” }, “q10_email”: “”, “q17_phoneNumber”: “23423423423423423”, “event_id”: “1607865378289_203444433299357_Lof2nqV” }
so we can get these data in backend like this:
$obj = json_decode($result, true); $fullName = $obj[“q9_name”][“first”] .” “. $obj[“q9_name”][“last”]; $email = $obj[“q10_email”]; $mobile = $obj[“q17_phoneNumber”];
3. Send JotForm data to WhatsApp
We send data which is gotten from JotForm to WhatsApp via WhatsApp API.
Following shows how to send message to WhatsApp
$token = ‘mvdkt8azxksjvhb8’; $instanceId = ‘205610’;
$data = [ ‘phone’ => $mobile, // Receivers phone ‘body’ => $message, // Message ];
$url = ‘’ . $instanceId . ‘/message?token=’ . $token;
$options = stream_context_create([‘http’ => [ ‘method’ => ‘POST’, ‘header’ => ‘Content-type: application/json’, ‘content’ => $json ]]);
// Send a request file_get_contents($url, false, $options);
Menu board for restaurants
Hello, I need some help to ad WhatsApp to a JotForm table, I’m building an online restaurant menu and I want the orders to be sent through WhatsApp. Can you help me please?
I have 8 interested in the online menu so far, I’m making the menus in JotForm and want to use WhatsApp to send the information from the menu to the restaurants
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