When looking to get noticed locally online, there are several key pieces of information that you should ensure are on your website as a minimum. Here are some suggestions:
- Business name and logo: Make sure your business name and logo are prominently displayed on your website, as this helps to build brand recognition and credibility.
- Contact information: Include your business address, phone number, and email address on your website, as well as a contact form or WhatsApp option if possible. This makes it easy for potential customers to get in touch with you and can help to establish trust.
- Products or services offered: Clearly outline the products or services that your business offers, along with pricing information if possible. This helps potential customers to understand what you do and how you can help them.
- About us page: Create an “About Us” page that tells the story of your business, including its history, values, and mission. This helps potential customers to understand the people behind the business and why they should choose you over your competitors.
- Testimonials or reviews: Include testimonials or reviews from satisfied customers on your website, as this can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.
- Local information: Make sure your website includes information about your local area, such as your city, town, or region. This can help to attract local customers and improve your search engine rankings for local searches.
- Social media links: Include links to your social media profiles on your website, as this can help to build your online presence and engage with potential customers.
By ensuring that these key pieces of information are on your website, you can improve your chances of getting noticed locally online and attracting new customers to your business.
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