
WhatsApp Link for Phone Number in Germany

+49 country code is the number you need for link to WhatsApp

If you want to create a link to WhatsApp for a phone in Germany you need to 49 to your phone number.

Make your personal WhatsApp link with a German country code 🇩🇪

View marketplace for Nanny Services in Germany.

Call Girl with WhatsApp in Berlin

If you need to create a link to your WhatsApp number you need to use your phone number without any special character.
Just your country code, and then your phone number.

  • Normally you will see your phone number like: +49 (835) 902-5723 – THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU DO.
  • For your link to WhatsApp you need to use: 498359025723 – THIS IS GOOD!!

Mobile extensions in Germany

151, 160, 170, 171, 175T-Mobile (GSM/UMTS)yes
152, 162, 172, 173, 174Vodafone (GSM/UMTS)yes
155, 157, 159, 163, 176, 177, 178, 179o2 Germany (GSM/UMTS)yes

Example of link to WhatsApp for Germany

Businesses in Germany using WhatsApp:

Do you have an online business in Germany? Do you want to grow your sales and revenue? CRM WhatsApp Solutions is the tool you need:

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Most visited WhatsApp business in Germany

Ex. The company Coem is using WhatsApp for e-commerce!

WhatsApp Link

Keep Germany as your Country Code and remove every special character. Just use the numbers on your phone.

Once you have your number ready, go to our site and create your link to WhatsApp.

If you want to check all the country codes available for WhatsApp numbers please go to this page.

Or click on this list of EUROPEAN Country Codes available for WhatsApp numbers.

WhatsApp Link generator

WhatsApp Business in Germany Examples

If you are a Thermomix sales representative here we want to share with you how to create your WhatsApp Link, WhatsApp Landing page or WhatsApp Form.

Thermomix Sales Landing Page

Cosmetic and Beauty WhatsApp Business

Le Labo Berlin

Alte Schönhauser Str. 26, 10119 Berlin, Germany Perfume store

New WhatsApp Business in Germany using

Coiffeur Team Laurentius

Budapester Str. 10, 53111 Bonn, Germany

Categories: Olaplex, Haarpflege. Friseur Treatment, Brautsstyling.

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By César Martín (

We develop WhatsApp solutions, WhatsApp API and WhatsApp Widgets. Please contact us for more information. We are here to help you.