Business text messaging, this features allow you to send and receive messages from your business number rather than your personal number. The biggest advantage of using your business number is to keep your personal number secure, but it is more than just that!

Nearly five billion people around the world now have access to text messaging versus only one billion in 2003, and whatsApp slowly becoming the more popular of communication. It can be faster than other communication channels such as regular phone call and could be much less stressful. With this in mind using business text messaging allows you to communicate with your customers through channel that they feel most comfortable with.  

You can also connect your business number through a platform or integrated apps. For example grants access to features such as sending and confirming appointments, answer business calls with texting, and supplementing phone, email and social outreach with Whatsapp message conversations.

Now with business text messaging, you can link your business number to WhatsApp in order to send and receive messages from your business number directly to your customer through our channel.

For more information about Business text messaging and how you can get started today visit    

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By César Martín (

We develop WhatsApp solutions, WhatsApp API and WhatsApp Widgets. Please contact us for more information. We are here to help you.