The huge metropolis of Los Angeles, often known as the City of Angels, is bursting with energy, creativity, and cultural diversity. It’s a great spot to create lifelong friendships because of the abundant sunshine and plethora of opportunities. Here’s a casual guide on meeting people in Los Angeles, whether you’re new to the area or just want to widen your social network.

1. Explore Local Cafes and Coffee Shops

LA is dotted with unique cafes and coffee shops that are perfect for striking up conversations. Whether you’re a caffeine addict or just enjoy a cozy atmosphere, places like Alfred Coffee, Intelligentsia, and Blue Bottle are great spots to meet like-minded individuals. Grab a seat at the communal table, bring a book or your laptop, and be open to chatting with those around you. Baristas and regulars can also be a great source of conversation and connection.

2. Join a WhatsApp Group

WhatsApp is a fantastic resource for finding groups of people who share your interests. From hiking and yoga to tech meetups and book clubs, there’s something for everyone. It’s an easy way to dive into the local scene and meet people who have similar passions. Plus, the organized nature of meetups means there’s less pressure on you to make the first move.

Here are a few WhatsApp groups you can join to make friends and connections in Los Angeles:

3. Take a Class or Workshop

Enrolling in a class or workshop is a fun way to learn something new while meeting new people. LA offers a plethora of options, such as cooking classes at Eataly, pottery workshops at Still Life Ceramics, or improv classes at the Upright Citizens Brigade. The shared experience of learning can be a great icebreaker and fosters a sense of camaraderie.

4. Attend Local Events and Festivals

LA is a city that never sleeps, and there’s always something happening. From music festivals like Coachella and Stagecoach to local farmers’ markets and art walks, events are prime opportunities to meet people. Check out event listings on websites like Time Out Los Angeles or Eventbrite to stay updated on what’s happening around town.

5. Volunteer for a Cause

Volunteering not only feels good but also connects you with people who are passionate about the same causes. Whether it’s helping out at a local animal shelter, participating in beach cleanups, or serving food at a homeless shelter, volunteering can be incredibly rewarding. Organizations like the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and Heal the Bay often need volunteers and are excellent places to start.

6. Hit the Gym or Join a Fitness Class

Fitness centers and studios are great places to meet health-conscious friends. LA is famous for its fitness culture, so whether you prefer traditional gyms like Equinox, specialized studios like SoulCycle, or outdoor boot camps, you’re bound to find a community. Many fitness enthusiasts are open to making new friends, and the shared goal of staying fit provides common ground.

7. Network Through Work or Professional Groups

If you’re career-focused, attending networking events and joining professional groups can help you meet people in your industry. Organizations like the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce or industry-specific groups on LinkedIn often host mixers and events. These gatherings are perfect for making professional connections that can also turn into personal friendships.

8. Socialize at Bars and Nightclubs

LA’s nightlife is legendary, offering countless opportunities to socialize. From chic rooftop bars like Perch to dance clubs in Hollywood, there’s a venue for every vibe. Go out with the intention of meeting new people. Approach someone at the bar, join a group on the dance floor, or simply strike up a conversation with the person next to you.

9. Join a Sports League or Recreational Team

If you enjoy sports, joining a local league or team can be a fun way to meet people. Whether it’s a casual kickball league, a more competitive soccer team, or even a dodgeball group, recreational sports offer a great mix of exercise and socializing. Organizations like ZogSports and LA Social Sports provide numerous options.

10. Be Open and Approachable

The most important tip is to stay open and approachable. Smile, make eye contact, and don’t be afraid to start conversations. Los Angeles can seem intimidating because of its size and image, but remember that many people are also looking to meet new friends. Be genuine, show interest in others, and you’ll find that the city is full of friendly faces.


Meeting people in Los Angeles might seem daunting at first, but with its diverse and dynamic social scene, there are countless ways to make new friends. Whether you’re sipping coffee, hiking in Griffith Park, or dancing the night away in Hollywood, LA offers endless opportunities to connect with others. So get out there, be yourself, and enjoy all the amazing people this city has to offer!

Written by Sara Branson

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