Grabovoi Numbers – WhatsApp Group

What are Grabovoi Numbers?

A method to improve and recover health is by concentrating on numerical series. Heal collects about a thousand diseases, and each one is assigned a number of 7, 8, or 9 digits. As you focus on one of these number sequences, the healing begins. How can such a simple act be so effective? Illness is a deviation on the part of the organism, and healing involves a return to what is natural. Numbers generate vibrations that can help the body return to normality. This is healing.

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Who is Grigori Grabovoi?

Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi was born on November 14, 1963, in Bogara, Kirov district, Chimkent region, Kazakhstan. He studied at the faculty of applied mathematics at Tashkent University, graduating in 1986. He is an academician of the International Academy of Informatization and an advisor to the Russian Federal Aviation Service. His extraordinary gifts of clairvoyance and healing have made him a world-famous figure. He has been awarded by the Russian Academy of Sciences with the I. P. Pavlov silver medal for his contribution to the “increase of medicine and public health”, also with the Peter the Great medal for his contribution to the “rebirth of science and economy in Russia.

How do Grabovoi numbers work?

The theory behind Grabvoi codes is based on “radionic signatures.” Everything is energy, and that’s how these special codes and radionic signatures work. Every person, place, or thing on the planet shares the same electromagnetic field but has its own. When the energy of an individual’s electromagnetic field changes or is distorted somehow, problems such as illness, malfunction, and other ailments occur.

However, just as distortions cause malfunctions, you can make subtle changes with that same energy and fix them! Numbers have a lot of energy and power (as you will know if you ever pay attention to angel numbers and numerology).

Grabovoi numbers harness the natural energy of numbers to correct these imbalances and manifest changes and transformations in your life!

This is how the law of attraction works.

Grabovoi Numbers

How do I use Grabovoi numbers?

Grabovoi numbers are very powerful, fun, and easy to use! I often add them to manifestation rituals and exercises I’m already doing, and I suggest you do the same.

However, I have seen some people entirely replace the written portion of their manifestation exercises.

That can work, too, but I don’t recommend it.

I think it’s more powerful to continue using what you’ve been doing and add Grabovoi codes to it rather than replacing it entirely. I use them this way every day!

These are just a few examples of how Grabovoi numbers can be used:

  • Write them on your wrist.
  • Mentally draw the number on your skin using your finger. Don’t use a real pen; this is a visualization technique.
  • Say it out loud, and repeat it as Affirmations throughout the day. Repeat the number you have chosen out loud.
  • Write them down on paper and put them under your pillow at night.
  • Write them in your written letter to the universe.
  • Label your water bottle with a Grabovoi code to manifest with water.
  • Write the Grabovoi numbers on a bay leaf, then burn the leaf and scatter the ashes.
  • Write the secret cheat codes and affirmations in the 369 or 55×5 methods.
  • Upload a crystal with your intentions and send the Grabovoi code as instructions.
  • Change your phone password number to the Grabovoi number. If you’re like me, you log into your phone several times daily, meaning you’ll see the number repeatedly throughout the day.

Popular Grabovoi Numbers

For Love:

  • Attract your crush: 89974476
  • Improve self-love: 396815
  • Bring a lover back: 3856794
  • Manifest love: 888 412 1289018
  • Manifest romance: 973594066
  • Attract your soulmate: 973594066

For Wealth:

  • Attract unexpected money: 520 741 8
  • Have a disposable income: 318 612 518 714
  • Manifest money: 9798733714615
  • Financial independence: 3657745
  • Find a job: 93151 864 1491
  • Get your dream job: 493151 864 1491
  • Build your customer base: 419 488 71
  • Attract professional success and recognition: 914 481
  • Attract wealth: 318 798
  • Achieve your financial goals: 894 719 7848
  • Increase your sales: 541 213 819 48
  • Financial abundance and prosperity: 714 273 218 93
  • Be fairly compensated for your time: 414 818 88

For Health:

  • Heal your body: 9187948181
  • Attract good health: 80845700
  • Improve fertility: 3226360
  • Fight addictions: 14843292
  • Quit smoking: 141 4551
  • Improve depression: 519514 319891
  • Rejuvenate yourself: 2145432
  • Grow hair: 5484121
  • Clear up skin problems: 18584321
  • Boost memory: 589 3240
  • Improve teeth problems: 1488514
  • Successfully diet: 4812412
  • Lose weight: 5343168

General Ones:

  • Cancel negativity: 47 481 321 48
  • Improve your luck: 817219738
  • Have good self-esteem: 517 489717 841 or 4818951749814
  • Be at peace: 1001105010
  • Get good grades: 89941503
  • Become famous: 8277237
  • Gain academic success: 960745288
  • Attract good luck: 2017133
  • Boost charisma: 491718594817
  • Be determined: 498518498
  • Protection: 9187756981818
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