Get Conver is a very cool website to get extra widgets for your website. You can create your account here.
What type of widgets can I create for my website
Informational. Fully customizable informational message for your users.
Coupon. The best way to let your users know that you are running a sale.
Live Counter. Show your visitors how many people are on your site to create more trust.
Email Collector. Easily collect emails and generate leads from your users.
Conversions. Establish social proof by displaying your most recent conversions on your site.
Conversions Counter. Establish social proof by showing how many recent conversions you’ve got.
Video. Easily display a small widget with an informative YouTube video.
Social Share. Let others share your content and generate more traffic for you.
Reviews. Display a review/testimonial from your clients to create social proof.
Emoji Feedback. An interactive way for your users to give you feedback about your site.
Score Feedback. The easiest way for your users to give you a score feedback.
Request Collector. Collecting leads has never been easier with the request collector.
Countdown Collector. Create urgency/FOMO with a countdown timer and an input for lead generation.
Custom HTML. Fully customizable notification widget.
Informational Bar. Fully customizable informational bar for the top or bottom.
Image. Display a small widget with an informative Image of your choice.
Collector Bar. Collect emails or leads without distracting the users.
Coupon Bar. Top or bottom simple bar to give your visitors a nice coupon for them to use.
Button Bar. Top or bottom cool bar to promote anything to your visitors.
Modal Collector. Collect leads with a nice looking and big modal.
Modal Two Collector. Collect leads with a nice looking and big modal.
Call to action. Raise awareness and cta with a nice looking modal.
Text Feedback. Collect better and straight forward insight from your users.
Engagement Links. Display a subtle widget which contains all of your relevant links.