How to be more productive with WhatsApp Web

If we asked anyone who continues to use traditional SMS to raise their hand, we would surely see few raised. The new communication solutions based on the Internet have totally superseded this medium and more and more users are making use of them.

We could approach this question from a wide range of approaches. However, today we are going to tell you why the most famous instant messaging application, WhatsApp, can and should be a resource for your business communication in a simple infographic.

What is Whatsapp?

We use it daily, constantly, and it’s hard for us to imagine the world without it. WhatsApp not only allows the sending of instant text messages through its users, but also the sending of states, calls and video calls. And although it has changed a lot since it was founded in 2009, no one doubts that it still has a lot to fight for, especially since it was bought by the Facebook company on February 19, 2014.

Every company, regardless of its size, must manage its communication given the importance it has. It is essential in our lives and it is fundamental and decisive within the workplace. Within the company we can find two types of communications, formal and informal. The first is one that is established by following some type of protocol and taking care of the language and what is to be transmitted. It is the one used to transmit orders and instructions, important work issues, a dismissal, etc.

For its part, informal communication is the one that arises most spontaneously among the members of the company, moved by their mere need for communication. It does not follow the official channels, which greatly speeds up the procedures.

How to use WhatsApp for internal company communication

WhatsApp allows informal, fast and direct communication. The normal thing is that companies communicate their successes by sending an email, for example, which greatly delays the receipt of the news, losing its force. Through this medium, it could happen much faster.

However, you have to be careful and follow certain guidelines so that it does not become a distraction or poor performance. According to a Phone House survey, 42% of Spanish users do not spend a single hour without checking messages on their mobile and 32% of them cannot avoid checking their terminal at least every 15 minutes.

It can be a powerful brainstorming channel. Many users highlight the ease that the app provides when creating a remote brainstorming. It is useful to send random ideas and at any time. Ideas that, later, the teams can discuss face to face.

Likewise, you can create a group with your employees or by departments, having direct communication and at the same time with all of them. However, many times groups end up being used for what they are not, so when creating one you must be rigorous and specify the reason for the group.

And the most important part. As in most social networks and apps, the controversy of privacy and data security is the order of the day. WhatsApp restrictions must be specified so that there are no problems, such as the profile photo, connection time, states… since they will be visible to everyone, even to your coworkers.

As with everything, responsible use is recommended. For example, a superior should not be allowed to write at midnight, when the working day ended six hours ago. You have to know the limits and apply them.

How employees can use WhatsApp to be more productive

Surely you have a WhatsApp group with your coworkers. You can use an informal tone, but you must know what content to share and how to respond according to the urgency of the messages. But is it used correctly?

Through this app, we can instantly send documents to colleagues, ask urgent questions without having to call, report last-minute data, etc. However, it is necessary to take into account a series of criteria to be more productive and not end up being a channel of distraction:

  • A more informal tone is allowed, but it is advisable not to be too colloquial. Emoticons, audio messages and images should not be abused.
  • Do not criticize any colleague, regardless of the position they hold. It is also convenient to avoid topics that may hurt sensibilities such as politics, sex or religion.
  • Take care of the hours at which you are going to answer. If you do it outside of working hours, you run the risk of altering the private lives of the other members. So you will have to assess the urgency of your messages so as not to interrupt anyone.
  • Send accurate information. In this type of chat there are usually misunderstandings due to misinterpretation of the messages. Therefore, it is better to leave important issues for other media.
  • Notifies that you have received the content and that you have understood it. Make sure you know the purpose of the group and discuss topics that have to do with that topic so as not to derail the conversations.

How to use WhatsApp with clients

WhatsApp can be a powerful customer service and marketing tool considering the high number of people who use it. Let’s see it with a simple example. Imagine that you are the owner of a bakery specializing in delicious donuts over the Internet. Although you have a very good reputation, there are more pastry shops in the area. Whatsapp can help us.

We can take a photograph of the donuts, sending it to the client with a direct message, which could say “Hi Carlos, we’ll send it to you quickly or it will be the 200 that we eat…mmmm…”

This simple action brings a double benefit. On the one hand, we make the customer aware that their order is ready. On the other hand, we achieve greater customer confidence, since he can see the product before receiving it.

Likewise, all promotions, offers, new products, etc., can be informed through this medium. What’s the problem? Remember that the use of WhatsApp requires that the recipient have the application installed. However, if we take into account that 98% of smartphones have it installed… one less problem!

Therefore, whether it is your first time or if you have already tried it, do not forget to follow these steps:

  • Prepare a database of your target audience.
  • Define the message.
  • Prepare audio, video or image
  • Look for impact and forwarding. Don’t do what everyone else does.
  • Shipment. It is advisable to make shipments according to the number of recipients.
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