Well .. under activity on this form, you should have an “other”– we’re a bit different – we need a flexible booking system, and I would like to have complete documentation. Basically, we’ll be offering several types of properties for booking, and we can hopefully create a calendar for a new property on the fly when our customers create a new property listing (will probably use WPL as our property listing and search engine).

This is sort of similar to a co-working site in some ways, and we will offer flexible office space, but we’ll also have other property types – some by hours, some by days, some by months.

Some basic requirements are:

  • Book by hour or days
  • Split commission between multiple people by amount or percentage (not a deal breaker / we realize we might have to write something for this)
  • Allow for a booking fee or surcharge
  • varied pricing (different pricing for 1 hour vs 3 hours vs all day)
  • Payment method to be stored in user profile for regular use.
  • Bookings tied to a wordpress user & user’s bookings visible for user.

So, I would love to see documentation, including about any API’s you have that may come in handy to create booking calendars when we create properties.

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By César Martín (ToChat.be)

We develop WhatsApp solutions, WhatsApp API and WhatsApp Widgets. Please contact us for more information. We are here to help you.