
Pakistan is a very active country with WhatsApp. We have very good traffic and users from this country. Pakistan population is 225 million in total. It is located above India and next to Afghanistan and Iran. Its main cities are Karachi and Lahore, each with 14 and 11 million people respectively. The main airport is the Jinnah International Airport in Karachi. The capital is Islmabad.

(Trending) Very popular NGO from Pakistan > JDC whatsapp number (NGO from Pakistan).

Most popular Businesses using WhatsApp in Pakistan.

Popular cities in Pakistan with Businesses using WhatsApp

WhatsApp Business in Karachi

WhatsApp Business in Lahore

WhatsApp Business in Faisalabad

  • Lawyer in Faisalabad using WhatsApp
  • Taxi Transfer in Faisalabad using WhatsApp
  • English Teacher in Faisalabad using WhatsApp

WhatsApp Business in Rawalpindi

WhatsApp Business in Gujranwala

  • Lawyer in Gujranwala using WhatsApp
  • Taxi Transfer in Gujranwala using WhatsApp
  • English Teacher in Gujranwala using WhatsApp

If you want to create a link to WhatsApp for a phone in Pakistan you need to add 92 as the country code to your phone number.

Create your WhatsApp link with the country code for Pakistan 🇵🇰

If you need to create a link to your WhatsApp number you need to use your phone number without any special character. Just your country code, and then your phone number.

  • Normally you will see your phone number like: +92 (835) 902-5723 – THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU DO.
  • For your link to WhatsApp you need to use: 928359025723 – THIS IS GOOD!!

A mobile phone number in Pakistan has 10 digits plus the 2 numbers for the country code.

Do you have an online business in Pakistan? Do you want to grow your sales and revenue? CRM WhatsApp Solutions is the tool you need:

Example of link to WhatsApp for Pakistan

WhatsApp Business in Pakistan

If you want to create your own WhatsApp Link to share on your social media, click here:

WhatsApp Link generator

WhatsApp Businesses in Pakistan

There are many WhatsApp Businesses in Pakistan using WhatsApp as their communication tool to engage with their customers and provide them with a better customer service.

If you want to create a WhatsApp Business like the example on top and add a WhatsApp Button to your website to automate the communication and customer service, try it for free here:

Best WhatsApp Chatbot Solution to add in your website

Pakistan users with link to WhatsApp | You can use WhatsApp to find new users for dating.

Keep Pakistan as your Country Code and remove every special character. Just use the numbers on your phone. Once you have your number ready, go to our site and create your link to WhatsApp.

If you want to check all the country codes available for WhatsApp numbers please go to this page.

View all WhatsApp Business in Pakistan

WhatsApp Landing page in Pakistan

WhatsApp Business Landing page in Pakistan

View and explore great WhatsApp Landing pages in Pakistan. More and more businesses are using an easy to use landing page to capture clients with WhatsApp. You can also create a landing page using our tool. Landing pages with WhatsApp are a great solution to expand your business from Instagram, Facebook or TikTok.

Pakistan Real Estate business using WhatsApp Link

Education and Academies businesses using WhatsApp

WhatsApp penetration in Pakistan

Pakistan is one of the TOP countries for WhatsApp with more than 46,2 million active users and a market share of 82%. Pakistan is one of the top countries with WhatsApp users.

WhatsApp Groups in Pakistan

WhatsApp groups are a great way to engage with your users and customers. Join WhatsApp Groups where you can find new customers and share your WhatsApp Business link.

Join these great WhatsApp Groups

More WhatsApp Groups in Pakistan

Most popular WhatsApp Links in Pakistan

Popular WhatsApp Business in Pakistan

Popular WhatsApp Polls in Pakistan

Most popular WhatsApp FAQ in Pakistan

  • What is WhatsApp Desktop and how do I download it?

This is very easy, let us help you! WhatsApp for desktop is also called WhatsApp Web. You can use this tool to chat with users in real time through your laptop and computer and your mobile phone at the same time. If you use WhatsApp for work, is easier to use it with your computer or laptop so you can save time and reply quicker.

Here we will teach you how to download it and how to use it for your business: WhatsApp Download 2023

  • WhatsApp Icon png

If you need a logo for your WhatsApp Widget you can use this icons for your WhatsApp Widget.

Logo WhatsApp Download – For your WhatsApp Widget


If you need more free icons and logos for your WhatsApp Widget, check this post:

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By César Martín (

We develop WhatsApp solutions, WhatsApp API and WhatsApp Widgets. Please contact us for more information. We are here to help you.