Add the URL in your WhatsApp message

Add the address of the web page from which your user contacts you using a WhatsApp message.

In the last update of the WhatsApp plugin for WordPress we have added an option that we consider quite important. This option allows that in the message that reaches your WhatsApp, you have the address of the page from which the user has contacted you.

Add the user’s source URL to your WhatsApp

The {{URL}} parameter allows you to capture the URL that will go to your WhatsApp message.

Suppose the user is viewing a specific shoe model, or a specific washing machine model, when the user initiates the conversation with you, you can know from which page they are contacting you by viewing the log, but we think that it would be more convenient to have directly the address of the page in the default message that reaches your WhatsApp. This way if for any reason you do not have access to your WordPress, in your WhatsApp you will have that address from which they visit you.

The user’s referral page is very important

It will help you to manage the conversation much better and surely you can accelerate sales through your WhatsApp. At the support level, it will help you a lot to improve the information on your website about your products or services. If many queries or questions come from the same page, you can probably improve that content and design to avoid queries.

So that this information at the statistical level is always collected, remember that in the log of your WordPress plugin you can see all the pages from which users have contacted you. Hopefully this plugin enhancement will help better serve your customers.

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