How can you create a coupon 💰 in WhatsApp 🟢

If you want to sell more using WhatsApp you need to use Quick Replies to create offers and coupons.

Quick Replies is a free feature in WhatsApp Business.

You can create a predefine message with an imagen and with a PayPal button. This will be your perfect companion while doing sales and customer support in WhatsApp.

1. Go to Quick Replies inside your WhatsApp Business

2. Create your coupon with an image, text and link to Paypal to get the payment. The image size should be 1600px x 1264 pixels. Can be smaller, but you need to keep the image proportion. 800×600.

3. Your customer will receive the offer in their WhatsApp when you send them the coupon. To send a Quick Reply you need to Type / and then the shortcut to your Quick Reply.

You can use Broadcast lists to send the coupon to everyone in your contact list.

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