Are you in trouble or having an emergency? Knowing how to reach the right services can make a crucial difference. All services, from police and medical assistance to Red Cross and Immigration Services, are available anytime.

Basic Emergency Numbers in Nigeria:

  1. Nigeria Emergency Hotline (112): This is a general emergency number that connects you to all major emergency services, including police, fire, and medical assistance.
  2. Police (199): For immediate police assistance in emergencies, including crime reporting and safety concerns.
  3. Fire Brigade (199): In a fire emergency, this number connects you to the nearest fire station for prompt response.
  4. Medical Emergency (199): For urgent medical assistance and ambulance services.
  5. Road Safety (122): The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) can be contacted for road accidents and related emergencies.

Nigerian Red Cross Society

Like every other country, Nigeria also has a Red Cross Society. They provide various emergency services:

  • Disaster Response: Immediate assistance during natural disasters such as floods, droughts, and epidemics.
  • First Aid and Health Services: Providing first aid training, health education, and emergency medical care.
  • Community Services: Supporting vulnerable communities with basic needs like food, water, and shelter.

Contact via WhatsApp

Immigration Services

Stuck with procuring a visa? Don’t know what to do next? The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) is here to help. They manage immigration control and services, including:

  • Passport Issuance and Renewal: Handling the issuance and renewal of Nigerian passports.
  • Visa Services: Processing visa applications for foreign nationals.
  • Border Control: Ensuring the security of Nigeria’s borders.

Contact Information

Federal Ministry of Health – for any incoming people to Nigeria

Tips and Tricks for Any Situation

  • Stay Calm: During an emergency, keeping calm helps you communicate more effectively and provide accurate information.
  • Provide Clear Information: Clearly state your name, location, and the nature of the emergency.
  • Follow Instructions: Listen carefully to the operator and follow their instructions precisely.
  • Have Essential Contacts Ready: Save emergency numbers in your phone and have a written copy in an easily accessible location

Written by Taťána Hanáková

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