• With WhatsApp App you can not add “auto responder”.
  • With WhatsApp Business you can add two options for “auto responder”. “Greeting message” and “Away message”.
  • With WhatsApp API you can add unlimited version of “Auto responder” and you can reply automatically to certain “keywords”.

Options for WhatsApp Greeting message as an auto responder

If you choose to enable “greeting message” as an auto responder the options you have are basically who is going to receive this message. There are 4 options for this message:

  1. Everyone
  2. Everyone not in your address book
  3. Everyone except (you can choose individual contacts)
  4. Only send to…

This message will be send to new users or to users after 14 days of not activity. You can not change this setting.

Options for “WhatsApp Away Message” message as an auto responder

WhatsApp Business auto responders

WhatsApp Business Android interface for auto responders

WhatsApp Business iOs interface for auto responders

Download this presentation about Auto responder with WhatsApp.

How to create an Auto Responder base on one KeyWord from the user using WhatsApp API?

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By Chatwith

We help small businesses using our WhatsApp tools to expand their businesses.