Zoom Integration for WhatsApp Bookings

Adding the WhatsApp Integration for Zoom App

Click on the Integrations (https://services.tochat.be/app/profile/integrations/all) link on https://services.tochat.be/.
Click on the Zoom icon in the Popular Integrations section. (https://services.tochat.be/app/profile/integrations/zoom/edit)
By clicking the “Connect to Zoom” link on the page opened, Zoom is directed to the OAuth2.0 screen. After the permission definitions are approved on this screen, redirection to the page is done again. If you see the “Remove to Zoom Connection” button on the page that opens, the connection with Zoom has been established. If it still says “Connect to Zoom”, you may need to try again.

Usage – Required.

After Zoom OAuth2.0 integration, you can access the calendar via the Bookings(https://services.tochat.be/app/widget/bookings) link. You can access the calendar by clicking the “See Calendar” link on each widget. Details can be accessed by clicking on the booking on the calendar. If you want to schedule a Zoom call, you can click on the “Create Meeting” link. After the meeting is created, you can delete the meeting on Zoom with “Delete Meeting”. You can send an invitation link with “Send Invite Link”.

Removing the App

Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
Click Manage >> Added Apps or search for the “ChatWith.io” app.
Click the “ChatWith.io” app.
Click Remove.

We offer solutions for small businesses using WhatsApp. We have created a solution for bookings with WhatsApp and now we are offering the capability to link a zoom call in this meeting. The idea is for B2C brands to send and confirm meetings using just WhatsApp with a link to the Zoom Meeting. This is going to help a lot of businesses that are working with customers where emails is no longer a reliable channel of communication. WhatsApp is more secure to have a proper conversation and with the link to zoom, they can jump into a call with a tool that is secure, fast and reliable.

The application infrastructure uses symfony 5.4 and mysql database on the backend side. On the frontend side, development is done with vue.

For Zoom oauth2.0 api integration php “guzzlehttp/guzzle”: “^7.0” package is used.

Authorization, access token and refresh token methods are used for oauth2.0 on the application. The user is directed to the zoom oauth2.0 screen with the connect to zoom link. Then he/she comes to the application page and access token and refresh token information is saved in the system.

In the booking feature section of the application, meeting creation, deletion and invitation link creation for previously created bookings are done through zoom apis.

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