Create WhatsApp Links for your Customers with our API

This is our API

Examples of different workflows:

Way of use:

  • First: Login using your user and pass to get the access token:POST /api/authentication_tokenThis Bearer token has a lifetime limited and should be included in the header of all request.
  • Second: Use one of the following options in WhatsappOperator or Widget to interact with our API.

Examples of use:

  • Create your first widget, step 1POST /api/v2/widgets
  • Create your fist widget, step 2POST /api/v2/whatsapp_operators
    Use the widget id obtain in the first stepYou can create more of one operator by widget.
  • Create your first widget, step 1POST /api/v2/widgets
  • Create your fist widget, step 2POST /api/v2/whatsapp_operators
    Use the widget id obtain in the first stepYou can create more of one operator by widget.
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