Ayurveda medicine

Today I am going to talk about coconut oil.

https://www.ayurvedamadrid.esATMA RAAHEL AYURVEDA


In Ayurveda medicine, oils are one of the most important ingredients to maintain the health of our body and mind. For Ayurveda, oils are essential and represent authentic healing balms that contain the desired elixir of youth. The application of oils, internally and externally, is part of the daily routine that has been maintained for thousands of years throughout India, and little by little it is spreading until it reaches our latitudes.

Oil and fat are essential in our lives and our daily food. Let’s not forget that part of our vital structures (such as the brain) are composed mostly of fat. Also, many vitamins and nutrients are fat-soluble, which means that they are present in fats and are absorbed through them.

However, from the western mentality there is usually reluctance to apply or ingest oils. Today’s culture has mistakenly associated fat and oil as something that causes obesity or acne. Nothing is further from reality; the “problem” is not so much the oil itself, but the quality of that oil and the way it is used. A virgin and ecological oil has nothing to do with a refined one, from which all its beneficial qualities and vitality have been extracted through refinement processes.

The particularity of coconut oil is that it is made up of 50% lauric fatty acid and also contains monoglycerides, similar to breast milk. After breast milk, it’s nature’s highest source of metabolism-boosting medium-chain fatty acids (MTCs). It also has properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, relaxing… It is a cold energy oil so it is used for hot times such as summer and for the pitta dosha, which we remember is made up of the fire element.

Benefits of coconut oil:

Hair: gives it strength, shine and vitality. It stimulates hair growth and strengthens it. Regular head massage with coconut oil balances the scalp and prevents dryness, flaking, dandruff and even lice. This oil is the only one that penetrates the internal structure of the hair and nourishes it in depth. It is especially beneficial for porous hair that has been damaged by dyes and bleaching.

Relaxing: Head massage with coconut oil helps to eliminate mental fatigue and calms the person.

Skin: Great moisturizing power, especially indicated in pitta constitutions and their imbalances. Prevents dryness, scaling, redness and itching in all skin types. It also delays wrinkles and sagging skin. When we have bruises, applying a thin layer of this oil speeds up healing because it repairs damaged tissues. It also helps in the treatment of various skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema…

Digestive system: Used as food, it helps improve the digestive system and prevents stomach and digestion problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome. It also helps in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Defenses and infections: Strengthens the immune system as it contains antimicrobial components, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid that have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties (fight infections).

Bones and teeth: improves the body’s ability to absorb minerals. Among them, calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for the development of strong bones and teeth. It is very useful to prevent the appearance of cavities and to help in the recovery of fractures and osteoporosis.

How to use coconut oil?

In food you can use it like any other oil in the kitchen. For massage and external application, apply it to the whole body (head and hair included) before showering and let it rest for about 30 minutes. Then you can shower normally with a mild and natural soap.

As always, I recommend that you buy a good product that is first cold pressed and organic. Remember that coconut oil solidifies at low temperatures, so it is necessary to heat it in a water bath.

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