Like most reporting platforms, craigslist displays multiple advertisers,from different professional fields. When users visit the craigslist website, it is exposed to a plethora of such options that look like small ads in a common newspaper. But technology is here to knock on our door, no longer the usual well-known newspaper town that leaves our newspaper on the doorstep and we browse it while enjoying our morning coffee.
Basically, our habits of reading ads have not changed, they are still the same, we still enjoy our coffee to read the news but now more than an electronic device.
That this device is different and innovative in relation to the paper newspaper…
~Craigslist and online ads~
The craigslist ad web page is located on internet, so how should you make the best for your personal ad?
As mentioned, habits changed in part. With the use of the internet the outlets for exposure are too many. and your ads change shape do not stay in the old style of a simple newspaper, but are going to the next level, upgraded and looking more electronic.
As users will realize that new methods are being used that are relevant to the evolution of WhatsApp, such as a link to your phone. They will feel that they are dealing with a progressive person, compared to others they will choose your profile.
Ways of attracting more views
The better question here is “What do I need to attract more users to my own online ad?”
The answer begins with making our ad more likable and the ways to do this are many and varied.
Few tips💡 ‘How to make my ad better?’
- single and nicely structured text
- clear role of existence
For Example if you are a teacher, you do not need to mention your entire CV since you were in elementary school and brag that you were good at math but not at the literature level and not so much because you did not like the teacher was the reason you were late every morning. It shows that you are widening and escaping from the main issue. Α few words related to your professional background and skills would be ideal!
Categories of website?
The professionals that make up the page are many and from various fields. Indicatively the ads that were on the page in 2022, and the ads that we opened belonged to :
- House repairs
- mobile Repairs,
- handymans,
- trainers, coaches
- language teachers,
- Music teachers
- Math teachers
- rental cars/vans
- Lawyers
- insurers
- house cleaners
- relocation companies
- tour operators & guides
- Drivers, chauffeurs
- Massagers
- relationship experts
Why is a WhatsApp Link so necessary?
A WhatsApp link is a link, that leads your users directly to your WhatsApp, so they can start a conversations with you, without having to type your number!
As users will realize that new methods are being used that are relevant to the evolution of WhatsApp, such as a link to your phone. They will feel that they are dealing with a progressive person, compared to others they will choose your profile.
Your users or customers will be interested in talking to you through this by simply clicking on your link!!!
WhatsApp Links are a new solution for professionals!💎
Using A WhatsApp Link you can also control the flow of new messages , controlling the hours you will be available.
Everything about a WhatsApp Link 👈
How to create a FREE WhatsApp Link
- Visit and fill the registration form ❕
- Type your phone number, after finding your country code
- Name your link with your business professional title
- And finally, write a small message for your users, who click on your link.
Press <Get the Link>
Very nice job! Now you are able to copy your link and paste it to your ad, on the place where you write personal information and contact information.
Read here how to share your link on your social media or on craigslist or EVERYWHERE!
Top professionals of Craigslist
As you see, many professional advertise on Craigslist, maybe now is time to post your business on
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