WhatsApp Landing Pages with more Traffic – April 2020

This is a list of the free landing pages with WhatsApp with more traffic.

1. Leche Fresca Torreconde – Spain / Zaragoza – Leche fresca en España.

2. Proceso Creativo. Download this free PDF to start your creative career.

3. Education in Oman. Hamad Al Azzani Higher Education Services. WhatsApp is a great tool to recruit students for your online education platform.

4. Bangkok Muaythai. Yoga, martial arts, training.

5. Bangkok HAUTE PATISSERIE. Quality pastry ingredients supplier in Asia #chestnuts 🌰 and #candiedcitrus 🍋🍊.

6. Brazil. Fetessentials Fashion. Hi, I would like to order a glitter/regular carnival stocking 🙂

7. Kirana Awami. Barcelona / Spain. Order Indian Food with WhatsApp.

8. Art and Gifts from India. Komal Samdadiya India.

9. Mark Internet Whisperer. Book your Session to find out what your ideal Lifestyle Income option in ONLY 30mins.

10. Saha Kids Trend Ghana. From pregnancy to birth.

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