How to sell cakes and bakery using WhatsApp

If you are a bakery selling cakes or cookies, WhatsApp is your best tool to move visitors to meetings and those meetings into actual customers.

WhatsApp accelerates every step in the process so you can have more meetings everyday.

How to use WhatsApp for real state

  • WhatsApp allows you to add a simple and easy to use call to action in your website.
  • Make it easy to set up a meeting with our customized form.
  • Now is your turn to close that meeting and get your sale one step closer to reality

Create a pipeline inside your WhatsApp

  • You can add status to your contact with WhatsApp
  • WhatsApp for business allows you to use labels.
  • Those labels can be Pipeline status so you can define your customers as “potential”, “visitor”, “lead”, “meeting”, “proposal”… you can use as many steps as you need for your process.