Partners WhatsApp Developers 2023

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Who we are, where we come from, where we are going




razzo rocket

Roberto Fumarola and Luca Cassia have supported eCommerce as consultants for years, when – Eureka! – They decide to find a solution to a frequent request from vendors: “How can we automate the whole shipment tracking and notification process? And maybe even associate marketing activities and stimulate sales before delivery?”

So Qapla’ was launched, looking for new opportunities in the after-sales universe.

Since then, the team has continued to grow, but the mission is still the same: improving the experience of those who travel with us every day and discovering new ways to boost sales. Getting where no human being has gone before.

Our crew


From uninitiated individuals to shipping Jedi masters: our crew is looking forward to helping you implement your projects.

Curiosity and problem solving are strong in each of us.


the team

In our galaxy


We are not alone in the universe, don’t you believe it too? Qapla’ counts on a galaxy of certified partners.

Each partner is perfectly suited to assist you at the time of departure and during your navigation with Qapla’.