👩🏼‍🦱Decorate the WhatsApp Widget

This is content for International Women’s day to prepare your widgets for this special occasion.

Every year on March 8, women have their honor! They celebrate their existence, whether they are white or black, tall or short, plump or thin.

March 8 was established by these women, who aspired to equality and their rights to be equal to men. In order to eliminate racial discrimination. And to give the female sex 👩🏻‍🦱 the honor and value it deserves.

🎀 8 March 🎀

The Chatwith.io team understands how important this day is and created some beautiful pictures to decorate your Widget!

WhatsApp and Chatwith.io have shown you a few suggestions for your Widget decoration…

🖼 Choose an image – icon for your WhatsApp Widget.

A tutorial video of how to add an image on Widgets!

Maybe you choose to convert this image to a more personalized one to show the store, the logo, or even an offer for women who choose to do shopping 🛍

Importance of celebrating Women’s Day on your WhatsApp Widget 👩🏼‍🦰

Everything about WhatsApp Widget

As we post images for special occasions in the small and cute widgets of our website, we immediately show that we support the upcoming trends and that we are consistent with our customers.

  • Every woman feels important and happy when someone remembers her anniversaries and special occasions,(birthday, Women’s Day). As she explores your site, if she understands your attention on her special 💐 day she will feel more comfortable with you and with your website.

If you haven’t a WhatsApp Widget yet…

💎Get your WhatsApp Widget

  • Visit the website Tochat.be
  • Create an account (email address and password)
  • NOW create your widget ☄️
  • Click on widget icon and fill the form!

🖥 Watch the whole process here.


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