Create A WhatsApp link for a number phone in Kowloon of Hong Kong

If you want to create a link to WhatsApp for a phone in Kowloon you need to add 852 to your phone number.

If you need to create a link to your WhatsApp number you need to use your phone number without any special character.

Create a link to WhatsApp with a country code from Kowloon here

Just your country code, and then your phone number.

  • Normally you will see your phone number like: +852 (835) 902-5723 – THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU DO.
  • For your link to WhatsApp you need to use: 85248359025723 – THIS IS GOOD!!

Example of link to WhatsApp for Hong Kong

Most visited WhatsApp Business in Kowloon 

Ex. A neighbourhood gym at Kowloon

Ex. Puzzle king 👑

Keep Hong Kong as your Country Code and remove every special character. Just use the numbers on your phone.

Once you have your number ready, go to our site and create your link to WhatsApp.

If you want to check all the country codes available for WhatsApp numbers please go to this page.

Or click on this list of EUROPEAN Country Codes available for WhatsApp numbers.

What exactly is a WhatsApp link?

How a link works or why is it used?

We will let you know that a link feeds your smoothest integration on the web. Day to day, more businesses choose to go one step further by selling more and more online and finding more outlets by simplifying their transactions on electronic platforms.

If you are new to WhatsApp, or have never heard about WhatsApp links before, then allow us to explain to you, how a WhatsApp link works, and how you get the most out of it! 👇

How to create a WhatsApp link in Hong Kong cities :

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