If you are using Instagram to promote your clinic or Pets Hospital, you can use our landing page to capture your clients.

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create landing page for vets and pets hospital

Our goal is to help you capturing your followers and visitors and create new customers. We know Instagram is the best channel to capture users and new followers. But you need customers. How do you convert a follower into a customer? You need to change the link you have in your channel to a link to your WhatsApp or Landing page.

WhatsApp is the best tool to capture users.
Users may want to ask you questions about your clinic, if you operate cats, if you can treat dogs with food problems… Users may want to close an appointment or try to get some information about pricing… Anyway, WhatsApp is the best channel to capture your users attention and for you to have their contact information.

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By César Martín (ToChat.be)

We develop WhatsApp solutions, WhatsApp API and WhatsApp Widgets. Please contact us for more information. We are here to help you.